Unbeknownst to some, installing synthetic turf can save you a significant amount of water in regards to the care of your lawn.
The U.S. population has doubled over the past 50 years, while our thirst for water has tripled. With at least 40 states, anticipating water shortages by 2024, the need to conserve water is critical.
According to the Synthetic Turf Council the below facts are relevant in regards to synthetic turf:
Significant Environmental Impact
- Conserves over three billion gallons of water. Water is one of our most precious resources. More than 6,000 synthetic turf fields are currently being used in the United States, with each full-sized field saving between 500,000 to 1,000,000 gallons plus of water each year. During 2010, that meant at least three billion gallons of water, and perhaps as much as six billion or more, was saved through the use of synthetic turf fields.
- Eliminates the need to water lawns. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), over one-third of residential water is used for lawn irrigation nationwide, totaling more than 4 billion gallons of water a day. The Southern Nevada Water Authority also estimates that every square foot of grass replaced with synthetic turf saves an additional 55 gallons of water per year. Therefore, an average lawn of 1,800 square feet will save 99,000 gallons of water a year if landscaped with synthetic turf – about 70% of a homeowner’s water bill, or up to $500.
Please follow up with your Account Manager if you have any further questions before starting your next project.
Geoff Evans
Business Director
423-598-3529- mobile
Austin Fowler
Account Mgr.
706-934-2012- mobile