GrassTex Dealer Push Pedal Pull did an install at the Dell campus in Oklahoma City. They had a 12×20 piece of V-Max with a custom logo installed in their exercise room. This install went over existing floor to create a functional area that looked wonderful! Push Pedal Pull was the first option for Dell because they are the ones that also provided their exercise equipment to them as well! This job was not without its difficulties though.
Supporting Their Team
When it came to figuring out what design they wanted on their turf, they already knew what they wanted. Dell wanted to add the OKC Thunder logo to the turf. Being in Oklahoma City they are big fans. The only problem was that they needed to get permission from the owners of the team to use the logo. This was not an easy task, but it became a reality. With the permission to display the logo they order their turf!
Great Indoor Turf
The turf that they used for this project was V-Max. V-Max is a great turf to use indoors no infill turf. With it not needing infill it makes it easier to maintain. This product is also good for area where there would be a lot of wear. This is because it has performed highly in the wear and resistance testing. This product can be installed indoor or outdoor and can be made portable with added Velcro.
The customer was very pleased with the outcome of the project. This project was not without its difficulties, but the outcome was great! If you have any questions about similar installs, or would like to know more about GrassTex, contact us today!
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