Mary Klein on GrassTex Dog Agility Turf

I took my first agility class in November 1992 and have been hooked since.  During my 26 years of experience, I have seen many improvements in both obstacles and footing with the dogs safety being the driving force for the changes.  I have taught agility classes for over 20 years and have constantly looked for the perfect footing.  I truly believe I found that footing with GrassTex.  I installed GrassTex’s True Turf in my building over 4 years ago and it performs as well today as it did when I first installed it.  I have trialed on many different types of turf, but I have not found any that are as slip free and low maintenance as True Turf.  My number 1 goal has always been to keep all dogs safe and injury free while doing the sport that we all love.  Being able to recommend this turf to as many dog agility training/ trialing groups that I can is certainly helping me reach that goal.  I strongly recommend True Turf as the answer for the perfect surface for dog agility facilities.


-Mary Klein

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